Shampoo vs Goat Milk Shampoo Bar

Shampoo vs Goat Milk Shampoo Bar

Shampoo vs Goat Milk Shampoo Bar

 Here is a video about our shampoo bar if you are interested.  Click here and you will be taken to YouTube.  I could not get this embedded because it is too short.

 A dry itchy scalp led me on a journey of investigation to learn about shampoos.  Some “experts” say you should never use a bar soap on your hair.  In the case of a commercial bar soap I would agree!  I don’t think that a commercial soap is good for anyone ever, but that is my opinion.  There may be scientific studies to back that up, but I do not know of them.  I haven’t looked either! 

Anyway, here are some things that I knew to begin with:

  • My scalp was dry and itchy
  • Switching commercial products helped for a little while, but then back to the itchy scalp.
  • The rest of my body was never dry or itchy.  (I use our goat milk soap and moisturizer).

Things that seem logical to me:

  • Scalp is skin, hair is not living, therefore, a healthy scalp should produce healthy hair.
  • Goat milk shampoo bar is hydrating and nourishing so that should help my scalp.

 What I found out:

  • Hair is not living, therefore it can only be coated and shined up. The scalp is really what needs to be kept healthy.
  • Shampoos have a number of ingredients that are actually harmful and dry out skin and hair as well as ingredients that are very controversial. Water is an ingredient that will dry out your skin.
  • Conditioners did not become a “thing” until after shampoos came about.  (Hmm…)
  • Hair needs to have the proper PH, and so does our skin. Our goat milk shampoo bars are just about the same as our skin. No extra stress.
  • Some of the ingredients in shampoos can cause your scalp to produce excess oils to overcome the stress of the damaging ingredients.

My experimenting:

  • Knowing that our shampoo bar is gentle and hydrating I decided to try it. I am happy with the results. Otherwise it would not be available to you!
  • I do not need a conditioner!  My hair is long and combs out freely! However, since my hair is long it needs to be tamed a bit because it is so clean and fluffy.
  • The texture of my hair is very soft and no more itching! 
  • I have read that a mild vinegar rinse is recommended. I tried the vinegar rinse and did NOT like it.  Some people do. I am wondering if the water that is used to wash with is a factor.  

 I have been using our goat milk shampoo bar for well over a year.  At first, I wasn’t sure I would like using it, but after a couple of washings, my hair adjusted.  I guess it was getting rid of the buildup I had.  It lathers great!  I prefer to rub the bar directly on my hair vs lathering it in my hands first.  It doesn’t take much!  I have a hunch that different water types may affect how your hair acts when washed with the goat milk shampoo. We have very nice well water, no softener.

My hair and scalp feel different than they did when I used shampoo and conditioner but a good different!

Experiment and let me know!  I want to know what others think so drop me a note if you try!



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